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연세대 전기전자 기초실험 09년도 A+ 레포트 예비4

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연세대학교 전기전자 기초실험 09년도 A+ 레포트


Chapter 4
Various Diodes and its Properties
∙junction diode
① What is bias?
② Why do we use bias when it comes to circuit.
③ Explain why junction diode allows current when forward bias, and does not when reverse bias.
④ With `approximation 3`, estimate equivalent circuit of junction diode in fig 4-3.
⑤ Why resistance is necessary in the equivalent circuit of diode?

∙zener diode
⑥ Compared with junction diode, what`s the primary difference of zener diode?
⑦ Describe the mechanism of rectification properties of zener diode.
⑧ Describe the behavior of parallel voltage regulator using zener diode.
⑨ Which bias is used for zener diode? Forward bias, or reverse bias?

∙LED and diode rectification circuit
⑩ Explain the mechanism of luminescence of LED and its type.
⑪ Compare the mean value of half-wave rectification circuit and that of full-wave rectification circuit..
⑫ Get V(rms), amplitude of voltage source, and reverse peak voltage of full-wave rectification circuit using center tap.
⑬ Compare reverse peak voltage of full-wave rectification circuit using center tap and that of full-wave rectification circuit with bridge diode.


① What is bias?
A systematic deviation of a value from a reference value.
- Current bias, a steady-state current that is forced through an electronic device
- Voltage bias, a steady-state voltage inserted in series with an element of an electronic device.
- Grid bias of a vacuum tube is used to control the electron flow from the heated cathode to the positively charged anode.
- Tape bias (also AC bias) is a high-frequency signal (generally from 40 to 150 kHz) added to the audio signal corded on an analog tape recorder.

② Why do we use bias when it comes to circuit.
When we use non-linear elements, we should decide what kind of bias we use. In case of diodes, we can`t read a outcome of normal signal because of voltage drop of self confidence and bulk resistence. So, we should use bias to make current which flows at the diode.

③ Explain why junction diode allows current when forward bias, and does not when reverse bias.
First we should know about principle of the current flows at diodes. At p-n junction diode, there are many holes in p-type semiconductor and electrons at n-type semiconductor.

참고 자료

①『전기전자기초실험』, 2006, 김재석 외 4명 공저.
②『ELECTRIC CURCUIT』6th edition , 2008, RICHARD C.DORF.
③ http://en.wikipedia.org (위키대백과사전)
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