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연세대 전기전자 기초실험 09년도 A+ 레포트 예비 6

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연세대학교 전기전자 기초실험 09년도 A+ 레포트


Chapter 6
Audio Amplifier Circuit Design
① Explain the mechanism of power supply in this experiment.
② Understand the elements used in each step, then analyze circuit
with respect to following instructions.
③ Explain the mechanism audio amplifier in this experiment.
④ Understand the elements used in each step, then analyze circuit with respect to following instructions.


① Explain the mechanism of power supply in this experiment.
Electric power supply company provide us AC voltage. But almost electric circuit need to use DC voltage. Power supply is a system of transforming AD voltage to DC voltage. This is almost same as express the 5V PC static voltage source. Capacitor takes a role of making static voltage at the sine form AC voltage. In other words, It fills up a valley of voltage. If there is Rl, It has also a little riffles. And LH340T5 takes a rlos of voltage regulator and reduces a voltage and riffles.

- Transformer : Increase of decrease the AC voltage.
- Rectifier : Trasform AC input voltage to DC output voltage.
- Filter : Reduce the riffles. Make a flat DV voltage.
- Bleeder resister : It helps capacitor to recharge or discharge and improve a voltage changing rate.
- Regulator : Supplies a demanded regular voltage and current.

② Understand the elements used in each step, then analyze circuit
with respect to following instructions.
1) Characteristics of transformer
A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupled conductors — the transformer`s coils or "windings". Except for air-core transformers

참고 자료

①『전기전자기초실험』, 2006, 김재석 외 4명 공저.
②『ELECTRIC CURCUIT』6th edition , 2008, RICHARD C.DORF.
③ http://en.wikipedia.org (위키대백과사전)
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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