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Marriage, a Glass-ceiling over Women - How Marriage Is Criticized in The Awakening and Sula

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/ MS 워드
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영미문학과 젠더 final paper
Marriage, a Glass-ceiling over Women
How Marriage Is Criticized in The Awakening and Sula

수업시간에 다룬 두 페미니즘 작품 , 에서 결혼이 어떻게 비판되고 있는가




When we read the literary works related to feminism, which are so-called feminism novels, they have one thing in common – all of the female characters who are described as independent or somehow awakened are mostly “unmarried women.” For example, Mademoiselle Reisz of Kate Chopin’s The Awakening, who is a pianist with quite an independent personality, is unmarried and childless. And, she serves as an inspiration to the main character, Edna, throughout her gradual awakening. Also, Katherine Ann Watson of the film, Mona lisa Smile, who is a feminist teacher and encourages her conservative students to do whatever they want with their lives is also unmarried, and breaks off the engagement at the end of the film. In addition, a lot of writers who advocate women’s right are unmarried or divorced. Virginia Woolf and Charlotte Perkins Gilman can be the examples for each case.

Then, why the common feature - unmarried - is found in those literary works related to feminism? Does marriage have something to do with the awakening of women? Is it a real obstacle or barrier to the awakening, or even is it a precondition for women to achieve self-consciousness? Then,

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Marriage, a Glass-ceiling over Women - How Marriage Is Criticized in The Awakening and Sula
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