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How did Japan during the Meiji manage to develop so well

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


일본 메이지 유신의 성공원인과 그 단계에 대한 연구


I. Introduction

II. Historical background of Meiji Restoration

III. The management of Japan’s Industrialization and Modernization through the Meiji Restoration
1) Political and Social Reform during Meiji Restoration
2) Economic Reform during Meiji Restoration
3) Identity and cultural Reform during Meiji Restoration

IV. Conclusion


How did the Japan develop? How could the Japan colonize other Asian countries? Why did Japan become the first industrialized country, not China and Korea placed in similar surroundings in 19th century? Many Scholars will say that the answer of the questions is the Meiji Restoration. Like this, the Meiji Restoration played a significant role in proceeding the industrialization and modernization of Japan. The Meiji Restoration changed all of rule of Tokugawa Bakufu. In the aspect of political system, it revived a centralism based on an emperor. In the aspect of economic system, the Meiji government carried out the industrialization by imitating western system and technology. Moreover these changes helped establishing the national identity based on the national symbol such as an emperor and Shinto. And this national identity awaked the nationalism and imperialism that touched off the Pacific War. Like this, the historical event of the Meiji Restoration is significant to understand the development of Japanese industrialization and the economic development. If so, how could Japanese manage to develop sucessfully? And what was the role of the Meiji Restoration in the process of Japanese industrialization? In this short paper, I will research these questions based on the study in class, reading, and my opinions.

참고 자료

Kenneth B. Pyle. 1996. The Making of Modern Japan.
Wallbank, Taylor. 1992. "A Short History of the Opium Wars." Civilizations Past and Present, Schaffer Library of Drug Policy.
Yoo Young Ik.1990. The research of Gabo Reform
Jang Insung. 2007. The Meiji Restoration: the starting point of Modern Japan
Marius B. Jansen. 1980. Japan and its world: Two Centuries of Changing.
Debin Ma. 2004. Why Japan, Not China, was the first to develop in East Asia: Lesson from Sericulture, 1850-1937
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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How did Japan during the Meiji manage to develop so well
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