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영어 레포트_ World History 세계사_ 오토만 제국 The Ottoman Empire 과 여성

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세계사에서 오토만 제국 (Ottoman Empire)의 간략한 설명과 그 사회의 여성에 대해 요약한 영어 레포트입니다.

The Ottoman Empire gains strength throughout the 14th Century and unbuckled its debut in 1453 when it won Constantinople against Byzantine Empire. At the hightable its power expands 3 continents controlling significant areas in South Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa. It also dominated the Mediterranean Sea and has unmistakable influence in East, West interactions. In eras to both Roman and Islamic traditions, Ottomans sell themselves as a source of the unification of cultures and rulers of universal empire.




The Ottoman Empire gains strength throughout the 14th Century and unbuckled its debut in 1453 when it won Constantinople against Byzantine Empire. At the hightable its power expands 3 continents controlling significant areas in South Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa. It also dominated the Mediterranean Sea and has unmistakable influence in East, West interactions. In eras to both Roman and Islamic traditions, Ottomans sell themselves as a source of the unification of cultures and rulers of universal empire. Famous leaders include the father of the empire, Osman Gazi and the Magnificent, Suleyman the first(I). For hundreds of years, the state developed all the distinctive culture that influenced both the European and Islamic World. Itself Islamic power, it was the only one that seriously challenged the increasing power of Western Europe between 14 and 1800s. The failure of Economic structure and its difficulty to communicate across wide distances help explains the Empire’s demise. The aftermath, World War I led to the fall of the Ottoman Empire. It meant its partition and the establishment of Turkish national movement, eventually leads the foundation for the Republic of Turkey.

참고 자료

-Kinross, Patrick. (1977) The Ottoman Centuries. New York: Morrow Quill.

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