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영어레포트_ 미디어가 여성에게 미치는 영향_ The predominant mass media and young women

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3페이지/ MS 워드
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미디어가 지배적인 상황에서 여성들의 인지변화양상을 분석한 기사에 대해 의견을 적은 영어레포트입니다.
미디어와 광고를 통해 나타나는 미의 기준과 사이즈 그리고 여성에게 요구하는 억압등에 대한 관점들을 분석하고 있습니다.

The predominant mass media and young women
Following to the article `The More You Subtract, The More You Add
- Cutting Girls Down to Size` by Jean Kilbourne

According to the article "The More You Subtract, The More You Add"-Cutting Girls Down to Size, mass communication contributes to the distortion of private and individual values and standards, as well as community values and standards. Particularly in advertising, its negative effects on vulnerable adolescent teenagers reflect and reinforce the culture that can be toxic for girl`s self-esteem.




“Dream Life: Find out what your future holds Guys!” this is the advertising slogan for ‘Bratz dolls’. ‘Bratz dolls’ is a popular line of fashion dolls and related merchandise just like Barbie doll, but more in a way of fashion style and sex appeal. The main organized dolls are teenagers distinguished by large heads and skinny bodies, almond-shaped eyes adorned with eye-shadow, and lush, glossy lips. Without a doubt, it is obvious the media plays a predominant role in the reason why today’s teenage girls become sexually involved so early in their lives. In this point of view, concerning how advertising exerts an enormous influence on our thoughts, attitudes, perceptions and actions, I believe the dominant role of mass media on teenage girls can cause the detrimental effect on self-esteem in the sense of objectified sexualization.
According to the article “The More You Subtract, The More You Add”-Cutting Girls Down to Size, mass communication contributes to the distortion of private and individual values and

참고 자료

 Diane E. Levin & Nancy Carlsson-Paige (1995, September). The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; Teachers Voice Concern. Young Children, 35. 359-366
 Ron Kaufman (2004). Filling their minds with death; TV violence and children. Retrieved September 21, 2009, from
 Virtue Media (2002). Virtue Media. Retrieved September 21, 2009, from
 Ryan Feezell (2002, October 30). Television Violence and Its Effects on Children. Retrieved September 21, 2009, from


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