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인공 망막 Artificial Retina

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


인공 망막에 대한 전반적인 내용의 보고서에 대한 발표 자료 (영문)

Power point file for Presentation of Report of Artificial Retina


I. Artificial Retinal Implant (ARI)
2. Human eye
3. Eye disease
4. Technology
5. Looking Forward


ARI is meant to partially restore useful vision to blind people for degenerative eye conditions.
◦ An array of electrodes is implanted on the retina ( Cochlear Implant )
◦ In 2002, the first device was implanted into the eye of a patient.
◦ These devices enable patients to distinguish light from dark and localize large objects.

Epiretinal Implants and Subretinal Implants
◦ Epirentinal Implants - sit on top of the retina
◦ Subretinal Implants - sit under the retina

참고 자료

Artificial Retinal
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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    Artificial rentinal implant is meant to partially ... The light must be transduced to an artificial ... Next, the artificial stimulus must be delivered
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    media중이염otorrhea이루papule구진petechia정상출혈pruritus소양증psoriasis건선pterygium익상편purpura자반pustule농포retina망막sclera공막skin ... 협착증arrhythmia부정맥arteriosclerosis동맥경화증atrium심방ACLSadvanced cardiac life support상급 심장 소생술artificial ... pacemaker인공심박동조율기AF A fibatrial fibrillation심방세동AFatrial
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    (artificial intelligence)의 연구로 발전된 과학-지각, ... 사회과학-포괄적, 2) 행동과학(심리학, 언어학, 인류학), 인지과학-인공지능 ... (retina)> ⑥ 시각수용세포[추상세포(cone)와 간상세포(rod)]
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인공 망막 Artificial Retina
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