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Explaining 에세이. 기술발전의 장점

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


영어 에세이 입니다.
Technology가 생활에 좋은영향을 미친거에대해 쓴거입니다.
760자이고 문법 완벽합니다. 미국유학생이고 A 맞았습니다.




Technology has come upon us silently. People have adapted so easily to technology, they do not always notice its benefits. Even though more technology still develops, many people take it naturally without wonder. Actually, our lives today could not exist without modern technology. Yes, it is amazing how dependent we are on technology. If people look around carefully, they can easily see the benefits of technology in many areas of life such as sports, medicine, and education.

Finally, technology is greatly used in education. Professors and students are using technology to expand their knowledge. An electronic dictionary is extremely helpful for foreign students. It is easy to find and learn new words. The electronic dictionary is also easy to carry because of its programs in electronic dictionaries, but there are also calculators, dictionaries of idioms, and the memo. Another example of technology in education is the ability to research information. Online classes show a representative example of technology in high school and college education. Taking online classes gives students the chan

참고 자료

“Laser cutting.” Engineering Fundamentals 7 Apr. 2007
Richardson, Alan. “Artificial limb technology” ABC South East SA 8 Jun. 2004. 28 Mar.
Weiss, Kevin. “Bicycling” sports 2 Apr. 2007
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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