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Business Negotiation

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


This report aims to demonstrate a social eating disorder problem which is able to be improved and many people of our community suffer from it. In order to make a happy society, this report will also discuss the current situation and figure out an innovative solution to the problem by using creativity.
Also, this report will examine the different cause of eating disorders and how creative ideas can be applied to improve the problem through different aspects. In addition, the report focuses on the socio-cultural structure regarding to a women`s bodies and personal psychology. Finally, this report will suggest a possible treatment of eating disorders for patients and society to prevent this problem.


1. Introduction
1.1 Cultural differences

2. The Korean behaviour in negotiation
2.1 Preparation
2.2 Building the relationship
2.3 Information exchange / First offer
2.4 Persuasion
2.5 Concession and agreement
2.6 Implementation

3. Adaptation of Korean negotiators’ behaviours
3.1 Preparation
3.2 Building the relationship
3.3 Information exchange / First offer
3.4 Persuasion
3.5 Concession and agreement
3.6 Implementation

4. Conclusion


The object of this paper is to help Korean people negotiate more smoothly with the United States. The free trade agreement with the United States completed in April will be used as an example to explain how Korean negotiators act. Analysing this case is worthwhile because Korea is going to have more important trade agreements with the United States in the near future. All quotations in this paper come from the interview of Hyun-jong Kim, the representative of the Korean negotiation team, in the Korean newspaper, Joong-Ang Daily.

1.1 Cultural differences

Most aspects of Hosfstede’s dimensions are reversed between the two countries. First of all, Individualism (IDV) of Korea, with a ranking of 18, compared to the United States rank of 91, shows the biggest gap with the United States.

참고 자료

Seng & Lim 2004, Strategies for effective cross-cultural negotiation; the frame approach, McGraw-Hill education, Asia.

Ting-Toomey & Kurog 1998, ‘Face work Competence in Intercultural Conflict: An Updated Face-negotiation Theory’, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, vol. 22, no. 2.

Sebeniusv 2002, ‘The hidden challenge of cross-border negotiations’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 80, p.76-85.

Hofstede 2003, ‘Geert Hofstede ™ Cultural Dimensions’, viewed 12 October 2007, <http://www.geert-hofstede.com/hofstede_korea.shtml>.

Beamer &Varner 2006, Intercultural communication in the global work place 4th Ed, McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York.

Tan 2001, Cross cultural communication, International Thomson Business Press, London.

Foster 1992, Bargaining across borders: how to negotiate business successfully anywhere in the world, McGraw-Hill, New York.

Kim 2007, ‘An interview at 1st April 2007’, Jung-Ang daily, viewed 29 September 2007, <http://joins.com>.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Business Negotiation
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