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Earnest Hemingway’s Life and his Writing

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Earnest Hemingway’s Life and his Writing: The Understanding of “Hills like White Elephants




To understand a story, readers should know author’s life and historical background. Especially, Earnest Hemingway’s ‘hard-boiled style’ constructs events or actions with dialogue and concise description without details. Therefore, the readers need to understand Hemingway’s belief in order to read his stories. One common theme of his stories is gender-linked problems and conflicts between men and women. To be specific, women are described as a wicked being who could destroy men’s life and are believed to belong to men. “Hills like White Elephants” has shown Hemingway’s negative perspective of women and men-centred thought.
Hemingway fully reflects his personal experiences on his writing. His hatred toward women is based on anger against his mother. His mother was a financially independent ‘new’ woman and dominated her family. For instance, when Hemingway was young, she dressed him in girl’s clothes and cut his hair like a girl. This experience, according to Kennedy, has made a negative attitude of Hemingway toward women (192). Furthermore, this complex made Hemingway ask for obedience and devotion to women. In “Hills like White Elephants”, the relationship between male and female character is also followed by his view of women

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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