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영화 300과 원작 만화 300에 대한 리액션 페이퍼

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2페이지/ MS 워드
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필리핀의 유피 대학에서 english 1과제로 제출했던 자료로
교열 및 그래머 에러 수정된 짧막한 리액션 페이퍼입니다..
불량은 한장 반 정도임.




When I watched the movie 300 for the first time, I noticed the six-pack abs of the Spartan leader and soldiers. I remembered that at that time the six-pack abs became fashionable in Korea. So, 300 was one of the reasons of trend. Many men, until now are dreaming of having this kind of body because they believe that women like men with good abs.

I did not know until now that 300 has a comic book version. When I read the comic book of 300, I was taken by surprise because I felt that the comic book and the movie are completely the same even down to their speech or dialogues. I thought that the movie came first before the comic book because it will be easier to do the movie first and then they could just copy the scenes in a comic book. But after my research, I found out that the comic book came first. I could feel their effort to convert a comic book into a movie in order to keep the good reputation of the comic book.

I thought if I have read the comic book first than the movie, the movie will not be that fun to watch anymore? I was thinking I will be disappointed with the movie like what I experienced when I watched Da Vinci Code because I was able to read the book first. I have seen many films which were remade from famous comic books and popular dramas. Most of them brought bad reviews as a result. Apparently,

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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영화 300과 원작 만화 300에 대한 리액션 페이퍼
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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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