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The Protein Import System of Mitochondria

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


미토콘드리아의 단백질수송시스템


✽ The Import Machinery: Cytosolic and Mitochondrial Components 
✽ The Tom Complex
✽The Tim Complex
✽ Role of the Tim Complex in Protein Sorting


Mitochondria import virtually all of their proteins from thecytoplasm. This import process faces two unique challenges;the proteins must be routed to their correct submitochondrialcompartment, and those destined for the innermost compartment(the matrix) must be transported across two membranes. These challenges are met by the joint action of two distinct protein transport systems, one in the outer membrane and the other in the inner membrane.
A protein destined to be imported into mitochondria is normally synthesized with a transient N-terminal extension that functions as a targeting signal. For proteins imported into the matrix, this signal is a highly degenerate sequence of 20-30residues capable of folding into a positively charged amphiphilic helix (Fig. 1).

✽The Import Machinery: Cytosolic and Mitochondrial Components

참고 자료

Molecular Biology The Cell
Lehninger - Principles of biochemistry

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The Protein Import System of Mitochondria
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