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effect of anabolic-androgenic steroid

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


스테로이드가 인체, 심리, 사회에 미치는 영향


Physical Effects of AAS abuse
Psychological effects of AAS abuse
Social effects of AAS abuse
Works cited


This paper introduces how Anabolic -Androgenic Steroids (AAS) negatively affect to physical, psychological, and social aspects of human. The study of AAS is just at the beginning stage and there are not a lot of evidence that proves whether AAS is good or bad. Nevertheless, AAS abuse is definitely risky, so people need to be aware of the danger of AAS.

Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids, the synthetic derivatives of the male hormone testosterone, are drugs that are commonly prescribed to treat debilitating diseases. However, healthy people are increasingly abusing them to improve muscular development and athletic performance. AAS abuse has been associated with a wide range of adverse and potentially damaging side effects – particularly when taken in high doses and for long periods. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the physical, psychological, and social effects of Anabolic-Androgenic steroids by exploring symptoms and examples.

참고 자료

Kuipers, H. (1998, Mar 7). Anabolic steroids: side effects. Internet Society for Sport Science, 5. Retrieved from
Jerikaye. (2008, Nov 5). Steroid Use Message posted to http://jerikaye.wordpress.com/
Rashid, H. & Ormerod, S. (2007). Anabolic androgenic steroids: what the psychiatrist needs to know. Advances in
Psychiatric Treatment, 13. Retrieved from http://apt.rcpsych.org/
"Side effects of steroids" steroids.com, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2009.
"Steroid abuse" steroids.com, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2009.
"Steroids in baseball & sports" steroids.com, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2009.
United States Department of Health and Human Services. Anabolic Steroids Abuse. Retrieved from
Williamson, D. (1994, Nov 1). The psychological effect of anabolic steroids. The International Journal of Drug Policy, 5.
Retrieved from http://www.drugtext.org/library/articles/945104.htm
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effect of anabolic-androgenic steroid
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