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전사적 자원관리 (ERP implementation procedures)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/ MS 워드
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전사적 자원관리 (ERP implementation procedures)에 대해서 영어로 쓴 자료입니다.
ERP의 여러가지 절차를 알기쉬운 영어로 만들었고. 전세계 ERP마켓의 비율과
대표적인 ERP회사들의 장점,단점,특이점 들을 조사한후 만약 CIO라면 어떤 ERP
를 선택할지에대해서 전부 영어로 썼습니다.


General Information on ERP
1. History
2. Definition
3. Feature

ERP Implementation Phases
1. Analysis
2. Design
3. Construction
4. Execution

a. Finding bottle necks in the firm
b. Founding a TFT
c. Scheduling
d. Budgeting
e. Assigning the coverage of ERP
f. Selecting a package from ERP vendors

a. Clarifying the improve process
b. Confirming the difference from ERP
c. Installing the selected package

a. Combining ERP modules
b. Customising
c. Testing

a. Transferring data
b. Evaluating the ERP system
c. Maintaining

General Information on ERP


In 1961, Joseph Orlicky first applied MRP (Material Requirements Planning) based on MPS (Master Production Schedule) and succeeded in the agricultural machinery production area. After then he wrote “Production and Inventory Control: Principle and Techniques” with George W. Plossl and the theory has been used in manufacturing business until now.

ERP (Enterprise Resource Management is an integrated system that manages human and material resources. Ultimately, the system reinforces competitiveness of business. In other words, ERP is an integrated information system that optimizes all scopes of business based on BPR (Business Process Reengineering) and IT (Information Technology.)
ERP was named by Gartner Group as an extended definition of MRPⅡ. ERP covers all activities in business including HRM (Human Resource Management), SCM (Supply Chain Management), manufacturing, and services. Technically, ERP contains all applicable technology, such as RDBMS (Relational Data Base Management System), OOT (Object Oriented Technology), Workflow, EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), and Data Warehouse.
When a company introduces ERP, the company not only has latest information technology but also managerial solution simultaneously. This fact explains why ERP is different from other computing system. ERP renovates the operation process, which means the change of the structure for maximizing the productivity.

참고 자료

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