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[Concept Paper] Global warming

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
가격 4,500원 할인쿠폰받기


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Have you ever seen the TV commercial of Coca-Cola that cute polar bear is grasping the bottle on the ice floetely, in the foreseeable future, you might never be able to see this real animal anymore. TheWorld Conservation Union`s Polar Bear Specialist Group has stated that polar bear populations could drop more than thirty percentin the comingforty five years. Also, they estimate that the number will be rapidly dropped over time(Campbell and Lunau 47).
What are the main reasons for this sad story of polar bear? Now days, climate has completely changed when it compares to some years before. The sudden change of climate affects many parts of natural ecosystems on the earth, including the Arctic region. If it is so, how does climate change all of a sudden, and what is the instrument that makes it change? Many people could say it is global warming. Global warming basically refers to the rise in the earth’s temperature. People usually try to find the reason of it in human activities. However, tare two different

Water vapor also highly affects global warming. When carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere, it has a warming effect as a greenhouse gas(Jordan 37). This causes more water to evaporate and warm the air more to a higher stabilized level. Approximately two-thirds of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases is contained in water vapor, and as the average temperature on the planet continues to rise, the amount of water vapor rises in turn(Jordan 37). As a result, the green house gases which are added water vapor can further amplify the warming beyond a purely carbon dioxide effect.
In short, global warming is taken place by the combination of artificial and natural factors rather than a simple reason. Global warming may bring about some changes to human society in the near future because many systems are tied to climate. Especially, a change in climate can affect where and

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