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review on “Musee des Beaux Arts`

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


W.H. Auden의 Musee des Beaux Art을 읽고 쓴 reveiw입니다.
여러가지 다른 자료와 인용을 읽고 썼기 때문에 originality가 있는 글로
자신있게 추천드립니다. 레포트 쓰는데 많은 도움이 되길 바랍니다.




“Musee des Beaux Arts”, by W.H. Auden, has given me a big topic to explore human nature; can man sympathize with others’ suffering? Oscar Wilde once said, “I can sympathize with everything, except suffering”. It is very true that we are living in a world of indifference. When a massive quake hit the small island country of Haiti, people read of the detailed description of Haiti people’s suffering while having breakfast or something. They might be shocked by the catastrophic event for a moment, and then most of them just moved on, going on their own way. So, was it Auden’s final conclusion in the poem that it is human nature to view other people’s suffering with apathy? What message did he want to bring about through the poem?

Let me come back to the question I raised earlier. Indeed, having sympathy for others is not as easy as it sounds because it is not just a matter of emotion or feeling toward others. It requires you to take action.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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