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Daily Variation of Phytoplankton and Water Quality in the Lower Nakdong River

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8페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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In this investigation to evaluate the features of the
Nakdong River in further detail, physio-chemical factors
and the dominance and the abundance of phytoplankton were surveyed daily from January 2002 to December 2003 in Mulgum, which is located at the lower Nakdong
River serving as the water supply resource of Busan metropolitan city.




The Nakdong River is the second largest river system in South Korea containing a large drainage basin and a long main channel. The flow of the Nakdong River is highly regulated by 4 multi-purpose dams in the major tributaries and an estuary barrage, which are constructed in the mouth to ensure efficient water resources. Especially, the lower Nakdong River shows a riverreservoir hybrid type due to the stagnation of water flow during the dry period. Also the Nakdong River was on hypertrophication over eutrophication by continuous inflow of raw nutrients from the populated industries in the middle of the river (Joo et al. 1997). Since 1992, the difficult supply of water resources and massive change of aquatic community have caused from cyanobacterial
blooms every summer and flourished diatoms during dry winter period.

참고 자료

1. APHA. 1999. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater. New York. 1.2-10.203.
2. Bahk J.R., Ha K., Som Y.J. and Joo G.J.. 2001. Seasonal variation in the phytoplankton and bacterial fauna in the mid to lower researchs of the Nakdong River. J. of the Korean Environmental Sciences Society. 10: 259-267.
3. Cassie V. 1989. A contribution to the study of New Zealand Diatoms. J. Cramer. 266 pp.
4. Chung J., Kim H.S. and Kim Y.J. 1994. Structure of phytoplankton community in the Nakdong River Estuary Dam. Korean J. Limnol. 27: 33-46.
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Daily Variation of Phytoplankton and Water Quality in the Lower Nakdong River
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