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Characteristics of the “Hemingway Style” in Hills like White Elephants

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Hills Like White Elephants 를 통해서, Hemingway 의 작가적 관점과,

문학적 스타일을 분석한 레포트 입니다.


I. Abstract
II. Introduction
III. Analysis on Hills like White Elephants
3.1 Significance of Dialogues
3.2 Setting in Hills like White Elephants as a Symbolism
3.3 Symbolism in the Title Hills like White Elephants
IV. Conclusion
V. Bibliography


Hemingway is one of the most representative American writers in the field of literature. He has left many great works including The Sun Also Rises, a Farewell to Arms, and For Whom the Bell Tolls. His writings are famous for ‘simplicity’ and ‘symbolism’ which are the main factors that should be fulfilled for the accomplishment of Iceberg theory.
This paper will mainly analyze the characteristics of the “Hemingway Style” mirrored in his famous short story, Hills like White Elephants. To appreciate the author’s attention in a deeper degree, I am going to evaluate the story from the two aspects below: significance of dialogue, and setting and symbolism.

3.3 Symbolism in the Title Hills like White Elephants
Beyond these descriptions of setting, there are still quite many other symbolisms throughout the entire story. The title Hills like White Elephants has a symbolic meaning itself. As the girl sees the line of white hills, she claims that "They look like white elephants." The shape of hills stands for the figure of a pregnant woman. Moreover, by comparing it with white elephants, the girl first starts bringing up their issue in a roundabout way. White elephant is an adequate word to reveal her inner conflict and attitude toward the unplanned baby. The white elephant is regarded as a blessing, sanctity, and pleasure of giving a birth in Southeast Asian countries, while it has another meaning of "a possession or piece of property that is useless or unwanted, especially one that is inconvenient

참고 자료

1. Hemingway, Ernest. Death in the afternoon. Reprinted. London: Cape, 1963, p. 182.
2. Hemingway, Ernest. Hills like White Elephants in Men without Women, 1927.
3. http://www.cliffsnotes.com/WileyCDA/LitNote/Hemingway-s-Short-Stories-Summary-and-Analysis-by-Short-Story-Hills-Like-White-Elephants-.id-10,pageNum-82.html
4. http://www.bookrags.com/Hills_Like_White_Elephants
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Characteristics of the “Hemingway Style” in Hills like White Elephants
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