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Work - life balance program & family friendly policy(영문판)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Work - life balance program & family friendly policy 에 관한 영문판 리포트
입니다. A 받았습니다.(MS 워드 2,088 자)


1. Introduction

2. Work-life balance program
- 1) What is work life balance program ?
- 2) Need to adopt WLB
- 3) Social trend that requires WLB
- 4) Effects of WLB
- 5) Actual case of WLB

3. Family friendly policy
- 1) What is Family friendly policy ?
- 2) Family friendly policy adoption background
- 3) Accomplishments
- 4) Family friendly policy types and effects
- 5) Family friendly management case

4. Conclusion

5. Reference


As the importance for human resources is emphasized, it is very important for a
company to make environment where employees can do their work and at the
same time carry out their duty at home in order to increase compatibility. As
such, making balance between work and home brings company culture and
human resources policies differences. This trend is motivation for work-life
balance program and family friendly policy.

In America or Europe advanced companies, these programs have been in

operation in order to increase company compatibility. In case of America, the

adoption of flextime rate increase from 31 to 71 from 1996 to 2003, more than

two times. The reason these companies are adopting this policy is that they can

increase the motivation of employees and can recruit more attractive human

resources, and make good company image and increase productivity, and

prevent job movement and accidents.

< Work-life balance program>

1. What is work life balance program ?

- Work life balance is the state where employees feel that they are

carrying out their duty well at both work place and at home

- In order to make balance between work and life, the WLB Program is


참고 자료

1. Chapter 12 work - life balance (pp 107 – 114) The global business leader
practical advice for success in a trans cultural marketplace 2007 by J. Frank Brown
2. Chapter 9 managing stress and work – life balance (pp 283 – 317) Understanding and managing organizational behavior 15th edition 2008 by Jennifer M. George , Gareth R. Jones
3. Chapter 42 work – life balance (pp 292 – 295) Emerging human resource management 2008 by S. K. Bhatia
4. Chapter 13 Family friendly policies and work – life balance 2nd edition by Peter Ackers and Amal Ei – Sawed
5. Chapter 4 (2) Responses to work pressure (pp 148 – 151) Human resource management and the labour market by Tim Clayton & Amanda Thompson


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