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Describe Village Volvo Case Study

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


서비스 품질경영 과목에서 다루었던 village volve의 케이스 스터디 입니다.
영문으로 작성되어 있음



1. Describe Village Volvo’s service package.
2. How the distinctive characteristics of a service firm are illustrate by village Volvo?
3. Characterize Village Volvo in regard to the nature of the service act, the relationship with clients, customization and judgment, the nature of demand and supply, and the method of service delivery?
4. How could village Volvo manage its back office like a factory?
5. How can Village Volvo differentiate itself from Volvo dealers


-Village Volvo’s service package is consist of 4 parts
*Supporting facilities
Village Volvo has new Butler building which has four work places for repairing cars. Also Village Volvo has an office, a waiting place which car owners use while their cars are repairing, and storage room for tools and parts of cars.
*Facilitating Goods
Village Volvo also operates shuttle buses because it locates far from cities, also clients cannot use their while the cars are in Village Volvo. The waiting room has some food, vending machines, journals, TV and news paper for clients it helps clients not be bored while they are waiting for repairing their cars.
Village Volvo’ mechanics tell clients that how much cost and time will be needed before they start to repair the cars. They have some kind of clients date system they record some information about the cars such as condition of cars, result of repairing and some problems which might need attention in the future. And it helps to take less time when the clients visit next time because it also helps mechanics take less time when they diagnose the cars and clients can understand .

The owner mechanic explain about repairing
In a factory, it divides their parts to work efficiently.
Village Volvo divides the business work into 3 parts by using different departments.
When a client visits
Mechanics Discuss about the car with the client, diagnose some problems and repair.
Service managers notify the client of estimation of consuming time and cost for repairing and report the completion to the client.
The owner mechanic explains about the repairing to the client what they replaced and repaired and let them know about some problem in future.
This kind of distribution of work makes their back office like a factory.
How can Village Volvo differentiate itself from Volvo dealers?
Volvo dealers just care their car under warranty.

참고 자료

Service management
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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