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[영작문,영어에세이]온라인교육과 대면교육 각각의 장점

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아카데믹라이팅 500자에세이 a+ 받은 에세이입니다. (외국대학교)

에세이 아웃라인(2장), 본문 574자, 레퍼런스 리스트(1장) 으로 구성되어있습니다.


에세이아웃라인(2장) 첨부되어있습니다.


Since education appeared in the world, the best way of learning was constantly wanted to be known by people. Recently a number of people believe that online learning is the best option. In contrast, other people still think traditional face to face learning is the optimum choice for learning. In this essay, one will explain three strengths of online learning with three strengths of face to face learning and the last part of this essay will suggest an effective method of learning to adult students who are not a native speaker want to improve one’s English writing.

Lastly, face to face learning has an advantage to learn specific subjects. For instance, physical education is absolutely comfortable to learn when students learn face to face because an instructor can see students’ problem and can help to fix it. Another example is that Thomas (2010) refers to subjects like chemistry is required tools for experimentation. Like this, each learning way has different strengths. What is the best learning way for adult students then? In general situations, most adult students do not have enough time to study. Consequently online learning is better choice for them. Nevertheless, if students study both ways, they can take advantage of each. Numerous distance educators agree that compound010).
In conclusion, three strengths of online learning are it helps concentration, it is possible to save timend it ensures personal expression. At the same time, face to face learning it can are easily understood, it chances to make social relationships and it is beneficial for leaning definite subjects. Thus when focused on adult students, online learning is better however the most effective way to study is taking excellent points from online learning and face to face learning. For this reason, the best option of learning is to co

참고 자료

List of References

Chamberlin W. Sean. (2001). Face-to-face vs Cyberspace: Finding the Middle Ground. Retrieved March 16, 2010, from http://campustechnology.com/Articles/2001/ 12/FacetoFace-vs-Cyberspace-Finding-the-Middle-Ground.aspx

Thomas Charlotte. (2010). On Line or Face-to-Face: Which is the better way to “talk”? Technology is smoothing out how students and professors communicate. Retrieved March 17, 2010, from http://www.petersons.com/distancelearning/ code/articles/distancelearnface7.asp

U.S Department of Education. (2009). Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies. Retrieved March 15, 2010, from http://www2.ed.gov/rschstat/eval/tech/evidence-based-practices/finalreport.pdf
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