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[컴퓨터공학]BIM Handbook Chapter2 요약

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BIM handbook
Hoboken, N.J. :Wiley

Chapter2 요약입니다.
고생해서 힘들게 만든 자료입니다.


2.0 Executive Summary

2.1 History of building information modeling technology
2.1.1 Early 3D modeling of building
2.1.2 Object-based parametric modeling
2.1.3 Parametric modeling of building
2.1.4 User-defined parametric objects
2.1.5 Design-for-construction
2.1.6 Object-based CAD systems

2.2 Varied Capabilities of Parametric Modelers
2.2.1 Topological structure
2.2.2 Property and attribute handling
2.2.3 Drawing generation
2.2.4 Scalability
2.2.5 Open questions
2.3 Overview of the major BIM model generating system
2.3.1 Discriminating capability
2.3.2 BIM tools for architectural design
2.4 Conclusion


This chapter provides an overview of the primary technology that distinguishes BIM design applications from other CAD systems.

Custom parametric objects allow for the modeling of complex geometries, which were previously not possible or simply impractical. - 1980’s program

Current BIM tools vary in many ways

Most architecture BIM design tools let users mix 3D modeled objects with 2D drawn sections, allowing users to determine the level of 3D detailing while still being able to produce complete drawings.

The ability to represent a fixed set of polyhedral forms for viewing purposes was developed in the late 1960s and later led to the first computer-graphics film, Tron (in 1987)

In 1973, the easy creation and editing of arbitrary 3D solid shapes was developed separately by three group.

The boundary representation approach (B-rep) defined shapes using operations of union, intersection, and subtraction on multiple polyhedral shapes and also utilized refining operations, such as chamfering, slicing, or moving a hole within a single shape

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