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(철학) (dual revolution), 산업혁명, 프랑스혁명의 영향

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6페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 19,900원 할인쿠폰받기


The double revolution of the French means both political French revolution and industrial revolution. It is important to know what this revolution happend for and what were the influences of these revolutions.

#1. Industrial revolution
·What is the industrial revolultion?
·Influence of industrial revolution
#2. French revolution
·Influence of the French revolution


#1. Industrial revolution
·What is the industrial revolultion?
·Influence of industrial revolution
#2. French revolution
·What is the French revolultion
·Influence of the French revolution


The double revolution of the French means both political French revolution and industrial revolution. It is important to know what this revolution happend for and what were the influences of these revolutions.

#1. Industrial revolution
·What is the industrial revolultion?
`Industrial revolution first began in England because English`s superior purpose was already "self interest` and `economic development` after they had executed their king. They also had process of economical agriculture, so called agriculture management. British farmers were different from another countries farmer such as Rusian, French, and German. E. J. 홉스봄, “혁명의 시대” P.51-52 (1984년 8월)
They could afford to provide enough food to non-agriculture people by increasing production capacity and offer mechanism for available saving capital in more modern economical basement. In addition they had a lot of colonies which could make them to get raw materials more cheaper and sell products more easily. The main force product of England was cotton industry. By the colony trade, they could achieve raw material so easily and their cotton product had superior competitive advantage since their quality was much more higher than other countries product. In this process, managers could earn much more money. However, soon serious problems occurred in society.

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