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Hotel Kiosk Marketing Strategy

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


미국 주립대 호텔 경영 전공자가 쓴 에쎄이입니다.
호텔이 전자 체크아웃 시스템을 도입하여야 한다는 가정하에
마켓팅 전략을 세운 리포트입니다.
미국네바다주 헤라스 호텔을타겟으로 더문호텔이라는
가상 호텔을세울때 키오스크 시스템을 도입해야한다는 내용입니다.


Property demographics:
1.Harrah’s Las Vegas and the Hotel Kiosk
2.Why Hotel Kiosk?
3.Lodging Industry and Hotel Kiosk
4.Impact of Hotel Kiosks
5.Purpose of Proposal
6.Initial Budget for Implementing Kiosks
7.Percentage of Budget Implementation to Profit*


The Moon Management team is composed of the following: Gary Loveman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and President; Charles L. Atwood, Vice Chairman of the Board; Jonathan S. Halkyard, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer; John Payne, President of Central Division; Carlos Tolosa the President of the Eastern Division; Tom Jenkin, President of Western Division; Steve Brammell, Senior Vice President and General Counsel; Jan Jones, Senior Vice President of Communications & Government Relations; Anthony D. McDuffie, Senior Vice President, Controller and Chief Accounting Officer; David Norton, Senior Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer; Tim Stanley, CIO & SVP Innovation, Gaming & Technology and Mary Thomas, the Senior Vice President of Human Resources. (Harrah’s Investor Relations 2007)

참고 자료

Bill Gerba (2004) Budgeting for an Interactive Kiosk Project Retrieved April 25, 2008 from
Wirespring.com website:
Harrah’s.com (2008) Hotel Overview Retrieved April 25, 2008 from Harrah’s.com website:
Harrah’s Careers (2008) Hotel Retrieved April 25, 2008 from Harrah’s.com
Website: http://www.harrahs.com/harrahs-corporate/careers-department-overveiws
Harrah’s Careers (2008) Information Technology Retrieved April 25, 2008 from Harrah’s.com
Website: http://www.harrahs.com/harrahs-corporate/careers-department-overviews

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