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(강추자료) 아바타 - 영문감상문 Avatar(2009)

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5페이지/ 한컴오피스
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아바타 - Avatar(2009) 영문 감상문
영문 영화감상문 입니다. 5페이지로 작성되었습니다.
영작된 독후감 자료는 나름 탄탄한(?) 영작실력을 통해 작성하였기에...
님께서 안심하시며, 만족할 만한 수준이며, 강력 추천합니다.^^ 많은 참고바랍니다.



Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Summery of Synopsis
1. Full synopsis
2. plot summary

Ⅲ. Closing


Ⅰ. Introduction
Director & Writer : James Cameron.
Release Date : 16 December 2009 (South Korea)

The movie is set in the year 2154 and is about a man called Jake who can`t walk and he is selected in the Avatar program where he has to go to Pandora jungle which is not a planet but it is one of the three giant gasses that is about 4 light years away from earth. On Pandora there are life forms such as the Na`vis that are about 10 feet tall have sparkly blue skin, big eyes and tails. The humans have genetically bred human-Na`vi hybrids known as Avatars. Jake is able to walk but falls in love with a female Na`vi and now he has to choose the side between humans or the Na`vis.

Ⅲ. Closing
Avatar combines parts of Pocahontas and Braveheart with a liberal dose of Space Marines into an epic whole that takes nearly three full hours to unfold. We could criticise that length, the weak story and the hammy dialogue.
We could attack its thinly-veiled ecological message or the frankly bizarre spirituality in its second half but honestly nothing can spoil the experience while you are enveloped in it. And a large part of that is down to the brilliant use of 3D which is both subtle and incredibly effective. Til now, we have been making movies with 3D elements, Avatar is the first truly 3D film and might well prove to be one of the most significant things to happen to blockbuster film-making since Star Wars.
Make no mistake, Avatar is an important film from a technical standpoint but it is also great entertainment. The world of Pandora is a stunning spectacle from scene to scene and as Jake learns more about the Na`vi

참고 자료

판매자 유형Diamond개인인증


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(강추자료) 아바타 - 영문감상문 Avatar(2009)
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