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한국전쟁이 왜 `Forgotten War` 인가 (영어)

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미국에서는 한국전쟁이 분명 중요한 전쟁임에도 불구하고 유명하지 않습니다.
한국전쟁에대한 인트로와 왜 한국전쟁이 "Forgotten War" 인가에대해 파워포인트를만들어보았습니다.


The Cold War
Before the War
Beginning of the War
On the Verge 1950 July, August
Fighting Back 1950 Sept. Dec.
Conflict with MacArthur
Stalemate -1951 1953 July
The End of the War
<중 략>


The Cold War
As the World War II ended there were tensions between the US and the Soviet Union.
There weren’t any direct collisions between the two nations, but there were some clashes in some countries like Poland and Greece.
proposed the Truman Doctrine stating that the United States should help any citizens to make their own choices as a free person not by some armed force. One purpose of the Truman Doctrine was to stop the spread of the Soviet influence.
Before the War
As the World War II ended the Allies divided Korea into two zones, the Soviets occupied the northern zone and U.S. troops occupied the southern zone.
North Korea was led by communist leader Kim Il Sung.
South Korea was led by Syngman Rhee and he called South Korea, Republic of Korea.
tant tensions between the two brothers and also between the US and the Soviet Union
Beginning of the War
On June 25, 1950, Kim Il Sung, led his North Korean troops across the 38th parallel line.
The US feared that South Korea would fall to communism. The very next day President Truman immediately announced

참고 자료

Cavendish, Marshall. America in the 20th Century 1950-1959. Tarrytown: Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 2003. Reference Book
Halberstam, David. The Coldest WInter. New York: The Amateurs Ltd., 2007.
Norton, Mary, Carol Sheriff, David Katzman David Blight, Howard Chudacoff, Fredrik Logevall, Beth Bailey, and Debra Michals. A People and A Nation - A History of the Unithed States. Boston: Wadsworth, 2007. Book
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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