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투르먼 대통령의 한국전쟁 참전 결정이 옳았을까? (영어)

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11페이지/ MS 워드
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트루먼대통령은 의원들과 의논도하지 않고 한국전쟁에 참여했습니다. 과연 이결정이 옳았을까요?


I. Truman Doctrine and Its Purpose
II. The Effect of the Korean War on the American Society.
III. Present Situations of the North and the South: How they Impede and Expedite the World, respectively


“I (Robert Mosier Technical Sergeant, United States Marine Corps)etly until there was a lull in the conversation, and then he put a question through one of the Korean guards: “Could I be your houseboy?”… I adopted Kim. Or perhaps it was the other way around… I got him a simple camera, salvaged some slightly fogged movie film, and taught him to load the cartridges inside his sleeping bag. He was so excited he would rush to the tent door, shoot 16 exposures in 16 seconds, and return for more.” (Mosier 635-636)
Some say that sending American troops into Korea was an awful decision. The military historian S. L. A. Marshall called it “the century’s nastiest little war.” It killed thousands of precious American soldiers and the war is not even remembered by many citizens. However, to believe the Korean War as an unwanted war for the United States is a serious misunderstanding. Ta was to keep away the cruelty of Communism from South Korea. Truman’s rightful choice protected the bottom half of the Korea from turning pink. Furthermore, outh Korea was a threshold for the United States to prevent the Communist from spreading their beliefs to other

Harry Truman, who has been designated as a president due to Roosevelt’s sudden death, d to make the most difficult decisions. One of those decisions is whether or not to drop the H-bomb on Japan. The other is whether to send troops into Korea. The H-bomb issue is controversial even today. However, as I am finishing up the research paper, I believe that the Korean War issue should not be a controversy. Even though many youths died for the Koreans who they had never knew or never met, its purpose was divine. Their sacrifices kept the world in peace. If Truman let the Communists take over the whole Korean peninsula the power of the Soviet Union would have been much stronger which would possibly lead to another World War. I say that both of the decisions were righteous. Even though the H-bomb killed millions of Japanese, it ended the war immediately. If the war kept going on there could have been more casualties. Again, even though the Korean War killed many soldiers it prevented the Soviet Union to grow larger and fight back. His actual purpose in his mind might have been to go into a war

참고 자료

Barourohn, Robert Dvorchak, Chris Schenkel, Jeffery Tishman, Arnold Wilkinson, and Rick Hampson. Century 20th America-The Cold War at home and abroad 1945-1953. New York: Grolier Educational Corporation, 1995. Reference Book
Cavendish, Marshall. America in the 20th Century 1950-1959. Tarrytown: Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 2003. Reference Book
Cavendish, Marshall. America in the 20th Century - Primary Sources. Tarrytown: Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 2003. Reference Book
Halberstam, David. The Coldest WInter. New York: The Amateurs Ltd., 2007.
Maddox, Robert. "War in Korea - The Desperate Times". National Geographic July, 1978: 26-39. Magazine
McCullouh, David. Truman Schuster, 1992. Book
Mosier, Robert. "The GI and the Kids of Korea". National Geographic May, 1953: 635-664. Magazine
Norton, Mary, Carol Sheriff, David Katzman David Blight, Howard Chudacoff, Fredrik Logevall, Beth Bailey, and Debra Michals. A People and A Nation - A History of the Unithed States. Boston: Wadsworth, 2007. Book
Reuthers, “Samsung Forecasts Strong Year”. The New York Times. 1.31.10 http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/30/technology/companies/30samsung.html Online
Sandler, Stanley. The Korean War-No Victores, No vanquished. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1999 Book
"3.5m North Koreans starved to death". BBC News. 1.31.10 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/433641.stm Online
"Korea Ranked 12th in Science and Technology Innovation". The Chosun Ilbo(News Paper). 1.31.10 Online.
“Military Affairs War Casualties.” The World Almanac And Book of Facts 2008ed. Almanac
"The President`s Private War". Truman& Library. 1.31.10 http://www.trumanlibrary.org/whistlestop/study_collections/korea/large/private.htm Online
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