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RFID in Construction Industry

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


RFID 시스템을 건설산업에 적용하는 것에 대한 분석 및 레포트 입니다.



Executive summary
1. Need
1.1 need of Automating
1.2 Proof of trouble solution
1.3 Too many material need of effective control system

2. Detail Descriptions
2.1 RFID Process
2.2 RFID System Modules
2.3 Tag – a chip or compartment for RFID’s recognizing process

3. Advantage
3.1 Advantag
3.2 Disadvantage

4. Disadvantage
4.1 4D and monitoring process with RFID
4.2 Material (Concrete) with RFID
4.3 The present state of RFID research in construction industry
4.4 Application of RFID technology and example of research

5. Current Status

6. Comparisons with traditional technology to be used in the same field

7. Contact Points

8. Reference


As construction industry is complex and specialized, many problems show up in many respects. With existing skills, we can`t control them. So we pay attention to RFID.
Fist, we attach ‘tag’ on material, labors, and car and so on. When a reader recognizes the tag information, the information is carried to an application through the middleware for managing. Middleware organizes hardware data and send it to the outer system, managing large data efficiently and allow the exchange of data in many different applications.
Following this process, Work can be founded easily. So if a defect or flaw is found, one can find out about the status of problem instantly. But there are also limitations. Most of all, the tag is matter because it is not only necessary but very difficult to manage.
If we make the best use of RFID, it will bring much interest in construction industry.

1. Need

1.1 need of Automating
The major function of concrete in construction is supporting the structure of a building. Oftentimes, there are many issues and questions regarding the quality.

참고 자료

〔1〕이주현, 송정화, 오건수 (2008). "건설 자재 정보 수명주기 관리를 위한 RFID 기술 적용 방안에 관한 연구", 인포디자인이슈, pp101-111.
〔2〕Yu-Cheng Lin (2008). "Enhancing Facility Management Using RFID and Web Technology in Construction", Robotics and Automation in Construction, pp199-210.
〔4〕Lung-Chuang Wang, Yu-Cheng Lin and Pao H. Lin b (2006). "Dynamic mobile RFID-based supply chain control and management system in construction", ScienceDirect, pp377-390.
〔5〕Ian J Shelley, Rachel Ho (2003). "Applications of Radio Frequency for the Construction Industry".
〔6〕O. Shoewu, M.Sc. and O. Badejo, B.Sc. (2006). "Radio Frequency Identification Technology: Development, Application, and Security Issues", The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, vol7, pp144-152.
〔7〕HU Wenfa (2008). "Integration of Radio-Frequency Identification and 4D CAD in Construction Management", TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol13, pp151-157.
〔8〕Hatori Fumio1, Yoshimura Yasushi and Ebata Shinichi (2005). "Development of Digital Photo System Using RFID Technology In Plant Construction Management", pp68-75.
〔9〕Teemu Reisbacka, Harri Hämäläinen, and Jouni Ikonen (2008). "Automating Construction Project Quality Assurance with RFID-and Mobile Technologies", pp223-227
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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