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Arduino board에 대한 영문 리포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Arduino board를 이용한 기본 응용에 대한 리포트.
LED를 연결하여 작동.
단색 LED와 삼색 LED에 대한 실험이 있다.
Arduino board에 대한 간단한 설명과,
간단한 사용 방법, pin 설정 등의 소스 코드도 포함되어 있음.


<Exercise #0>
- Programming
- pinMode(pin, mode)
- digitalWrite(pin, value)
- analogWrite(pin, value)
- delay(ms)
Exercise #
Exercise #2


The purpose of the lab session is getting familiar with the interface of ‘Arduino’ board and the supporting programming language.
The ‘Arduino’ is the electronic board made in Italy. It has many advantages such as low price, cross-platform, simple programming environment, and open source. After finishing the lab session, I realized that usage of Arduino board is very straightforward and easy to learn compared to COMPACT-51 produced by MCU Korea Inc.,. Additionally, because the style of the programming is quite similar to the well-known C programming, but simpler, it did not require much time to get adjusted to the interface.
The Arduino looks follows.
Arduino has ATmega168 microcontroller, USB connector, 14 digital I/O pins, and 6 analog input pins. (It has many other specifications, but for simplicity I listed only very essential parts that we are mainly interested in.)
The first thing I’ve done was building the development environment. That includes installing the Arduino environment and the device drivers both for USB port and Arduino.
The jumper setting is required basically; however, instead of electricity from the power cable,

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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이런 노하우도 있어요!더보기

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Arduino board에 대한 영문 리포트
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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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