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HCI Actuator 실험

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,200원 할인쿠폰받기


HCI physical computing을 위한 기본적인 actuator에 대한 실험 보고서

사용된 actuator는 fan (선풍기), 진동기, servo motor이다.

추가적으로, distance sensor(거리 센서)를 이용하여 선풍기의 회전속도를 조절하는 것..
그리고 스위치를 이용하여 선풍기의 회전 속도를 조절하는 것에 대한 실험도 있다.


Exercise I
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4


The purpose of the lab is to be familiar with the actuators. There are various kinds of actuators, which can be classified into motion, sound, light, and so on. Because of limitations of time and equipments, we did not have the chance to test every kind of actuators but the motion actuators.

- There are various kinds of actuators, but we dealt only motor actuators. It is a bit pity.
- After some practice, we could easily handle the hardware and Arduino software with datasheets of components and tutorials of the board respectively. Therefore, I think, it would be more educational to think about the applications where they utilize the components we have learned, and increase number of exercises which ask how to implement specific application as we did on last lab session exercise, Google Earth Walker.
- In the HCI, context-awareness is one of the important factors when we design the interface. at I can implement was using just distance sensor and switch. Therefore, to enlarge my background and to have the ability of analysis and creative thinking, I would be better to share

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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이런 노하우도 있어요!더보기

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HCI Actuator 실험
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2024년 07월 20일 토요일
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