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Facebook`s Dillema : Case Study

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Social Networking Service의 대표주자인 Facebook 이 겪고있는 딜레마에 관한
케이스 스터디입니다.

Facebook이 폭발적으로 성장하고 있지만
그에 따른 개인정보 침해와 광고 수익 모델에 관한 고민들에 대하여

100%영어로 작성되었습니다.


1.What concepts in the chapter are illustrated in this case?
2.What is the role of e-commerce and Web 2.0 technologies
in Facebook’s widespread popularity.
3. Describe the weaknesses of Facebook’s privacy policies and features. What management, organization, and technology factors have contributed to those weaknesses?
4.Does Facebook have a viable business model? Explain your answer.
5.If you were responsible for coordinating Facebook’s advertising, how would you balance the desire to become increasingly profitable with the need to protect the privacy of your users?


1. What concepts in the chapter are illustrated in this case?

In this Facebook case, it introduces social networking. Social networking sites are a type of online community. They are a little bit different from blogs. Contrary to blogs focus on providing commentary or news on particular subject which reflecting the blogger’s interest, Social networking sties more focus on networking, social relationship and connecting with other people. They don’t have serious commentary or news on the social networking sites, but they express their daily life, feeling, thoughts. Users can upload their pictures, make their profile and make friends online who have same interests or hobby and something like that. Facebook, MySpace, Cyworld and Twitter are example of widespread social networking sites. Nowadays, its users are increasing explosively and some of the recruitment part of firm uses the recruiters’ social networking sites to figure out who he/she is. It reflects his/her daily life.

If you were responsible for coordinating Facebook`s advertising, how would you balance the desire to become increasingly profitable with the need to protect the privacy of your users?
I think the best way to make profitable advertisement with protecting user`s privacy is opt-in policy. When users make account in Facebook, give them the choice whether accepting advertisement or not. If there is no benefit to customer, there is nobody to accept the advertisement. Threfore, I will give some incentive to users who are accepting ad, something like discount coupon from firms which want adverstise through Facebook. This way makes profit maximize. I don`t have to spend money to give to users. Actually, I will receive some commission from the advertisement. Second way to make profitable advertisement is inserting small size of banner on corner of the user`s Facebook. It should have striking feature but should not be

참고 자료

Laudon and Laudon,
Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, 11st Edition,
Prentice Hall
Facebook Statistics". http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics.
Retrieved February 12, 2010
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Facebook`s Dillema : Case Study
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