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2007 Korea Oil Spill

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


"The MT Hebei Spirit oil spill is a major oil spill in South Korea that began on the morning of 7 December 2007 local time, with ongoing environmental and economic effects. Government officials called it South Korea`s worst oil spill ever, surpassing a spill that took place in 1995." -by wikipedia


Effects of oil spill on the water quality and ecology
The general method of restoration
What happened in Tae-an
The methods of restoration in reallity
Desirable idea


"The MT Hebei Spirit oil spill is a major oil spill in South Korea that began on the morning of 7 December 2007 local time, with ongoing environmental and economic effects. Government officials called it South Korea`s worst oil spill ever, surpassing a spill that took place in 1995." -wikipedia
On December 7, 2007, a wire linked to Samsung no.1, big vessel carrying a crane was
cut off. And then, that crane crashed into an oil tanker Hebei Spirit that was in the
west coast of Taean, spilling like 12,547 kL of crude oil. As a result, left side of vessel
was broken and oil was spilled to ocean.
The density of the oils were about 0.85. The oils mostly consist of hydrocarbons and
some trace metals. And 30-50% of total mass of oil is mostly volatile organic carbons.
So, most of them evaporate at the initial stage of spill.
Spilled oil spread out the ocean. It is very complex phenomenon that dispersion occur.
It depends on many things

Desirable idea
In many cases, they were just interested in the exact time to apply the chemical or physical methods. And then, they would focus on the recovery of water quality and ecosystem. But I thought that`s not enough, because I had heard about bio-technology from college. So, as a student studying Environmental eco technology, I was looking for some other methods by bio-tech or.. microorganisms. Then I found the "Bioremediation" which is already in use but not well-known yet. It could cover some faults that conventional methods cannot deal with.
Why do we have to use bio remediation ? It`s obvious that chemical, physical methods are very effective at the beginning but it cannot remove all of oil. And Using the Oil-Clean could cause the second contamination. So, in sensitive area like wetland, mud flat they really need to apply alternative

참고 자료

-해양에서의 유류오염 사이트 (http://www.gnedu.net/php-bin/)
-해양환경관리공단 (http://www.kmprc.or.kr)
-유류오염사고 대비 해안 방제체계 구축방안, 목진용 외, 한국해양수산개발원(2001. 11)
-한국산림환경신문사 (http://cafe.daum.net/forestevm ) 해양오염, R.B.CLARK-윤이용 옮김, 동화기술교역(2003. 3)
-The Proposals for Improvement of Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response System from The Oil spill Incident of The Tanker Hebei Sprit,Sang Woon Kim,South Regional Headquarters Korea Coast Guard
-Http://ebook.kcg.go.kr/20071211_231555 Analysis of Oil Spill Dispersion in Taean Coastal Zone, Tae Sung Jung and Hyong Jin Cho,한국해안․ 해양공학회 학술발표논문집 (2008)
-과학동아 2008년 1월호 `The study for practical use of bioremediation agent in Oil-Contaminated Area`,정진원, 윤주용, 신재록, 김한규, 한국해양대학원

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