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조직행위론의 입장에서 본 아모레 퍼시픽 연구(영문버전)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


조직행위론 수업과제구요. 영문버전입니다. 아모레 퍼시픽의 연혁, 기업의 노사특징, 환경등에 관한 보고서 자료 입니다.


Introduction of AMORE PACIFIC

Organizational System

Conflicts and Solution




Introduction of Amore pacific

From 1945 to 1955: On September 5, 1945, the president, Seo Sung Hwan, said, “We will make beauty and heat and render great services to human beings.” With this business mind, the company was incorporated under the name Pacific Chemical Industries Co.Ltd. The company established the first research department (in the cosmetic industry and produced vegetable pomade. Consequently, it received public recognition and affection as a cosmetic manufacturer.

From 1956 to 1967:the company became the biggest company in the industry. It conducted mass media advertising for its ABC dandruff medicine. The company relocated its headquarter and plant to Hangang St. in Yongsan District,Seoul. Furthermore, the company formed a technological alliance with the Coty of France

From 1968 to 1980:The company published a beauty management process called “The Basic 5 Steps of Facial Management.” The company won three gold awards at the global cosmetics contest held in Bussels, Belgium. As the Korean gross domestic product (GDP) rises, the company grew accordingly and expanded its offices to Frankfurt, Germany, New York, etc.
The company opened the public relations(PR) shop at the center of Seoul. Amore cosmetics and personal care products were entitled as official products of the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

From 1981to 1990The company declared the following management philosophy, “Service for mankind, respect for people and creation for future.” They declared the Pacific Charter for employees. The company received the best of “The Award for Excellence in Corporate Value-Based Management.”

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