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restaurant purchasing manual 레스토랑 메뉴 및 주방의 모든 공정과정

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
32페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영문으로 작성한 가장의 레스토랑 만들기 프로젝트입니다.
실제 미국에 운영중인 레스토랑을 직접방문하여 인터뷰하고
실무자들의 이야기를 토대로 작성하였기때문에 충분히 신빙성 있는 자료구요
내용은 가장의 피돌레스토랑이라는 식당을 뉴욕에서 운영하기 위해
필요한 인적자원이나 식자재, 재료, 경영방침, 메뉴선정.. 등의
다양한 내용이 들어 있습니다.


About Pidol’s
Pidol’s Code of Ethics
Pidol’s Mission Statement

Purchase requisition
Purchase order
Purchase specification
Change order
Ordering Procedure

Appropriate receiving hours
Rejection of delivery/Acceptance of delivery
Other receiving methods
The objectives of storage
General storage guidelines
Type of storage
Storing specific food
Inventory control and issuing
Separating directs from stores
Security concerns in storage areas
Issuing procedures


About Pidol’s
Pidol’s restaurant is the New Yorker’s favorite for fine Italian dining. Proudly we serve the finest Italian Cuisine. In fall of 1996, Pidol’s restaurant opened its first restaurant in the heart of Manhattan’s Little Italy district, New York City.
Anthony Pidol, owner of Pidol’s restaurant, was looking for an Italian restaurant during his New York City trip. Anthony realized that the food was expensive and he could not satisfy with taste of food. After he went back to Italy, he decided to open a restaurant in New York City. Katrina Pidol, his wife, and Anthony moved to New York City in the year of 1989. Mr. and Mrs. Pidol worked hard and earned enough money to open a restaurant. Pidol’s restaurant has one of the largest bars in the district of Little Italy, providing a wide selection of pastas, made only with the freshest ingredients.
For convenience, we offer special event party such as birthday party, sweet-sixteen party, and etc. We do not offer any party during Christmas day and New Years day because our restaurant is open for everybody on those days.

참고 자료

Crawford, Dr. Ervine M. FAB 160, Purchasing class: lecture/class notes. September 19,

Feinstein, Andrew Hale and John M. Stefanelli – Purchasing: Selection and Procurement
for the Hospitality Industry. John Wiley and Sons: New York. Sixth Edition.

Ninemeier, Jack D. Planning and control for food and beverage operations. Educational
Institute of the American Hotel and Motel Association: East Lansing, MI. Third

Ninemeier, Jack D. Planning and control for food and beverage operations. Educational
Institute of the American Hotel and Motel Association: East Lansing, MI. Fifth

NRA ServSafe Coursebook. Third Edition.

Trattoria Aqua Manu. November 2, 2006 from the World Wide Web:
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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restaurant purchasing manual 레스토랑 메뉴 및 주방의 모든 공정과정 무료자료보기
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