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The World’s Precious Pieces of Poems [유명시 모음전을 읽고 ..]

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최종 저작일
9페이지/ MS 워드
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영문으로 된 세계유명시 모음집을 읽고...
몇가지를 골라내어 감상평 및 의문점을 영어로 쓴 에세이 입니다.
수업시간에 쓴거라 ; 미국인들은 알만한 작품이였는데...
전.. 듣도 보도 못한 것들이라... 다소 어설픈 내용이 있음.


The World’s Precious Pieces of Poems
Report of My Experience in Writing Center


People in the world, they might have experienced writing kinds of poems or reading them in parts of their life. That period could be in their school years or when they had a terrible pain with love or failure. I have also written poems when I was younger. One day, I had a chance to go to a bookstore with someone who I loved secretly and he asked me about a famous poet in Korea, but I couldn’t say anything about poets. I was really ashamed of myself. That day was the first terrible day for me to realize that the world has awfully wonderful books filled with poetry. Now, there are more than thousands of poets or poetess in the world and some of them we should know what they wrote, and why they thought as they wrote. I have some wonderful pieces of poems which were written by William Butler Yeats, William Wordsworth, Ghalib, Walt Whitman, and William Blake.

참고 자료

Blake, William. “Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience.” The Norton
Anthology of World Literature Volume E. Page 780~789.

Butler Yeats, William. "Leda and the Swan.” The Norton Anthology of World
Literature.Volume F. Page 1699~1711.

Ghalib, The Norton Anthology of World Literature. Volume E. Page

Whitman, Walt. "The world is too much with us." The Norton Anthology of
World Literature Volume E. Page 980~987.

Wordsworth, William. "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey."
"The world is too much with us." The Norton Anthology of World
Literature. Page 789~800.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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The World’s Precious Pieces of Poems [유명시 모음전을 읽고 ..]
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