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Information Systems of Organization_Nordea case

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핀란드 대표은행 노디아의 경영정보시스템을 심층 분석한 자료입니다. quality 높은 외국 문헌들과 노디아 은행 매니저 인터뷰를 통한 내부 정보, 그리고 경영 정보 시스템에 대한 심층 분석으로 반 1등을 했던 리포트입니다. 석사 학생들과 함께 작업하여 퀄리티는 석사 수준 이상입니다.


1 Introduction 4
2 Understanding Industry: Porter´s Model of Five Forces 4
3 Characteristics of the Industry 5
3.1 Development of IT technology 6
3.2 Restructuring 6
3.3 Customer-centricity 6
3.4 Real-time requirements 7
4 Information systems in Nordea 7
4.1 IS pyramid 8
4.2 Finance and accounting 9
4.3 Human resources 10
4.4 Nordic Processor 11
5 Criticality of Information Systems in Banking 11
6 Future of Banking Services 14
7 Conclusions 15


Executive Summary

This paper discusses about information systems on banking industry. First the field of banking industry is examined with the help of Porter’s Model of 5 Forces and later, in chapter 3, the use of information systems in the banking industry is analysed in accordance with IS Pyramid introduced by Laudon & Laudon (2004: Chapter 2) and by using Nordea bank as an example organisation.

Nordea provides an example of a click and mortar organisation that has transferred many of its everyday services to online environment and thereby providing flexible banking solutions for its customers. Chapter 3 goes through Nordea’s customer relationship management (CRM) systems as well as the Human Resource department’s e-requirement system and data warehouse systems and Financial department’s SAP Banking Platform and SuperDerivates back office systems This gives us perception of the variable information systems there are in use in just one organization.

Following chapter goes one step deeper and evaluates the criticality of IS in banking industry. Based on the nature and current development of the industry, information systems can be seen to be in the very core of the banking businesses and therefore it can be argued that functioning ISs are extremely critical for the industry. This argument is supported by the given Sampo bank example that demonstrates tragically how 800 000 people were affected by IS problems when Sampo Bank was acquired by Danske Bank Group and the old IT platform was replaced in clear cut operation on Easter 2008.

Last chapter provides insight to the future of IS in banking industry. It is being assumed that new technology will create new opportunities and flexibility and freedom from big devices will increase. Mobile banking provides and excellent example of flexible and location unrestricted access to bank details. Banks must pay a lot of attention to security of the services to assure people that it is safe to use the online systems they provide. However, once that has been done, more and more services can be transferred to online environment and that can even lead to diminishing amount of bank offices

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