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Investigation plan for pollution on the Saemangum project

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Saemangum project of paleo enviromental appoach


1. Introduction
2. Environmental problems
A. The change of benthic species
B. Affect of fisher
3. Changes of the marine environment around Saemangeum after blocking
4. plan and research in Coastal Environment of the Saemangeum Area


1. Introduction
Saemangeum is an estuarine tidal flat on the coast of the Yellow Sea in South Korea. It was dammed by the government of South Korea`s Saemangeum Seawall Project, completed in April 2006, after a long fight between the government and environmental activists, and is scheduled to be converted into either agricultural or industrial land. Prior to 2006, it had played an important role as a habitat for migratory birds. The completion of this seawall is likely to be a major contributor to the decline of many species. Around 400,000 shorebirds depended on the Saemangeum estuarine as an important feeding ground on the 24,000km migration between Asia and Alaska and Russia, including the two endangered waders Nordmann`s Greenshank and Spoon-billed Sandpiper (each species with less than a thousand surviving birds). A conservation organisation has accused authorities of having failed to monitor the project`s impact on local wildlife in a transparent way, and carried out an independent

2) outer area change
a stratification : fresh water of Keum River affected northern water zone of Kunsan archipelago. Fresh water leaked from Man-Kyung River and Dong-Jin River enlarges to southern water zone of Kunsan archipelago
b. Seawater flow: the tide became stronger in channels connected to open section, but the tide in adjacent regions became weaker. Especially, the speed of the tide in the outer zone of 4th tower decreased by 30cm/s and the shape of tide changed from linear to elliptical. The speed of flow increased by 30-50cm/s and the scope of the impact of effluent got enlarged. 3
c. Marine ecosystem: There was not any obvious change in distribution and cluster of species, but the number of young shells increased. The ecosystem generally weakened in deepened southern channel and outer zone of northern seawall where sedimentation mainly happens.Clam’s resources increased, the number of lily increased and got smaller
4. plan and research in Coastal Environment of the Saemangeum Area
Plan 1. be confirmed and pushed

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Investigation plan for pollution on the Saemangum project
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