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english literature

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Old English (5thC 11thC)


Middle English (12thC 1470)

Canterbury Tales illustration from 1483.

The Canterbury Tales

Early Modern Period (15th- 17thC)

Famous Shakespeare plays

18th Century Literature

Victorian Era (1837 1901)

Sherlock Holmes

Holmes through the years


A look at the different eras of English Literature
Oral tradition sharing historical info/stories with speech.
Epic A long story/poem usually about a hero on a journey.
Alliteration Words with the same sound. Poems/music, etc. sounds good.
Theme Subject or type of story. (almost like Genre).
Knight Heroes in old stories (dragons, princesses, etc).
Merchant - A person who sells things.
Friar A religious man… like a monk or a priest. Old days.
Printing Press A machine for printing. Old technology.
Manuscript Hand-written story, before the printing press.
Novel A long story in a book form. Has many chapters.
The Enlightenment a period in English history when science, philosophy and rationality became very important. 18th Century.
Satire Taking something serious, making it ridiculous(comedy style).
Detective Sherlock Holmes. An investigator.
Old English (5thC 11thC)
During the Anglo-Saxon period

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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