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인간복제 반대의견을 세가지로 들어서 썻습니다.
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Cloning of Human Being
Have you ever watched the movie Ireland? The movie is showing the reproduction of human - because of desire to live longer and be healthier, people made duplicated human. The story is about a new life for their need. As twenty first century started, scientists interest in cloning. As a result, they successfully cloned a living creature for the first time in 1997, the cloned sheep, Dolly. Cloning of the living was stimulated by this and developed dramatically. Some people who consider technology could significantly improve the welfare of human beings might say that biotechnology can develop actively and give lots of benefits to human. However, I am wondering whether it is ethically and morally right to clone humans because there are some significant issues about its bad effects.
First, human individual reproduction is a method that makes identical other human hereditarily. d naturally, human’s genetic diversity can be a problem. Cloning can be regarded as the main factor which will take away this unique formation of each individual. By undermining this distinction between people and their uniqueness, we are actually disregarding our differential esteem for human life. For example, perhaps scientists decide to clone all the rice in the world. They gradually produce only one type, much more nutritional than other kinds. Other

Advocates of cloning might say that cloning body parts can serve as a lifesaver. When a body organ such as a kidney or heart fails to function, it may be possible to replace it with the cloned body organ. But what matter is not to offer organs that people need but to have a proper surgery skills. What it means that it can cause malpractice. That is because many doctors are not familiar with a new surgery method, and they will want to do surgery more. Through the trail and errors, there will be many medical malpractices. Secondly, they assert that cloning of human makes peoples’ lifespan extend. Although they dream about that life expectancy is prorogated, there are some social problems including lack of job and housing, need of insurance, and pollution of environments.
From the human genes’ diversity to the human dignity, I think that people do not have the right to clone of human. If people want to care about technology in the future, they need to think a proper approach and make a law about follow the problems.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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