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An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo, resulting in or caused by its death. The controversy on abortion has been continued for a long time. In America, abortion is legal and statistics show that about seventy million unborn children were killed by abortion every year in the world. Not only America in, is abortion a sensitive topic. All countries involved in finding a solution to abortion. This solution is to ban abortion. In the concrete, abortion should not be allowed legally judged due to morality and painful consequence for women.
First, abortion can be accepted as a murder and unsightly criminal act. One of the basic questions of this controversy is to clear up whether fetus is a human life or not. By definition, the meaning of "alive" is the state of growing, developing, maturing, and replacing its own dying cells, so a fetus is a living thing which satisfies these conditions.
Three days after implantation on

There are people who agree with abortion. They fight as a union or an individual, and they strongly persist in their opinion. They claim that abortion is one of the safest surgical procedures for women. Also the death rate is 6 or 7 per million procedures on average which is about 9 times safer than bearing the fetus to term. This means medical science has already been developed to protect dying from abortion, and the death rate from bearing the fetus is higher than the death rate from abortion. Even though it could look reasonable, people think that there are still some women who suffer problems after abortion. If it is the safest procedure, why many

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http://www. Zenit.org
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