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(Chromogramin)크로모그라닌에 관한 연구

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(Chromogramin)크로모그라닌에 관해 연구 분석한 프리젠테이션 보고서 입니다.


I. Introduction of CgA& CgB
Gene Analysis
Domain Analysis
Mechanism & Function
Related Diseases

II. Cloning & Expression
Expression & Purification

III. Applications
Structural Based Drug Design(TAP tag, Crystalography)
Application of PTD for Effective Delivery
Possible Applications for Disease Treatment


Conserved domain between CgA&CgB
one near the N-terminal region bordered by two cysteine residues (residues 17–38 in bovine CGA and 16–37 in bovine CGB) and the other the C-terminal region (residues 409–431 in bovine CGA and 604–626 in bovine CGB)
Disulfide bond loop가 membrane에 bind하고, secretory granule을 형성하는데 큰 역할을 한다.
- CgA와 CgB는 granule 형성의 on/off switch.
- The aggregation of CGB being at least two orders of magnitude more sensitive to Ca2 than CGA
- Unlike CGA, which dimerized at pH 7.5 and tetramerized at pH5.5 (21, 22), purified CGB appeared to exist in a monomeric state

참고 자료

CGA와 Calmodulin의 interaction - Recombinant preparation and characterization of interactions for a calmodulin-binding chromogranin A peptide and calmodulin,
JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE, 13, pp237~244, 2007.
Sunmi Kang, Jinho Kang, Seung Hyun Yoo ,Sunghyouk Park
CGB의 regulatory mechanism이 L3-2 domain의 conformational change에 의한 것으로 추정 - Identification of residues participating in the interaction between an intraluminal loop of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor and a conserved N- terminal region of chromogranin
Jinho Kang, Sunmi Kang, Seung Hyun Yoo , Sunghyouk Park
Cancer Diagnosis로 사용되는 CGA - Clinical Significance of Blood Chromogranin A Measurement in Neuroendocrine Tumors
Seregni E, Ferrari L, Bajetta E, Martinetti A, Bombardieri
Cardiac hypertrophy에 미치는 영향 -Chromogranin B Regulates Calcium Signaling, Nuclear Factor kB Activity, and Brain Natriuretic Peptide Production in Cardiomyocytes. Felix M. Heidrich, Kun Zhang,* Manuel Estrada,* Yan Huang, Frank J. Giordano, Barbara E. Ehrli
Coupling of the IP3 receptor/Ca channel with Ca storage proteins chromogranins A and B in secretory granules
Seung H. Yoo
A functional interaction between chromogranin B and the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor/Ca2+ channel
J. Biol. Chem., Vol. 278, Issue 50, 49699-49706, December 12, 2003
Edwin C. Thrower , Chi Un Choe , Seung Ho So, Soung Hoo Jeon, Barbara E. Ehrlich , and Seung Hyun Yoo
Cell adhesion에 미치는 영향 -Cleavage of chromogranin A N-terminal domain by plasmin provides a new mechanism for regulating cell adhesion .
Biol. Chem., Vol. 277, Issue 48, 45911-45919, November 29, 2002 Barbara Colombo , Renato Longhi§, Chiara Marinzi§, Fulvio Magni , Angela Cattaneo , Seung Hyun Yoo¶, Flavio Curnis , and Angelo Corti
Anti-fungal activity – 위와 동일 논문.
CGB 를 이용한 분비세포 형성. -Chromogranin B-induced Secretory Granule Biogenesis COMPARISON WITH THE SIMILAR ROLE OF CHROMOGRANIN A*
J. Biol. Chem., Vol. 278, Issue 42, 40581-40589, October 17, 2003 Yang Hoon Huh, Soung Hoo Jeon and Seung Hyun Yoo
Cell adhesion에 미치는 영향 -Cleavage of chromogranin A N-terminal domain by plasmin provides a new mechanism for regulating cell adhesion .
Biol. Chem., Vol. 277, Issue 48, 45911-45919, November 29, 2002 Barbara Colombo , Renato Longhi§, Chiara Marinzi§, Fulvio Magni , Angela Cattaneo , Seung Hyun Yoo¶, Flavio Curnis , and Angelo Corti
Anti-fungal activity – 위와 동일 논문.
CGB 를 이용한 분비세포 형성. -Chromogranin B-induced Secretory Granule Biogenesis COMPARISON WITH THE SIMILAR ROLE OF CHROMOGRANIN A*
J. Biol. Chem., Vol. 278, Issue 42, 40581-40589, October 17, 2003 Yang Hoon Huh, Soung Hoo Jeon and Seung Hyun Yoo
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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