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영어 에세이 및 토론주제 - 서울


Moving Out
■ Vocabulary
■ Discussion Questions
■ Dialogues


Moving Out
After decades of continuous growth, the population of Seoul is now on a continual decline. With a population of only 1.5 million people in 1955, by 1989 the population had grown to more than 10 million. That number represented approximately one-fourth of the total population of Korea.
However, beginning in the early 1990s Seoul residents, frustrated with the hassles of living in the overcrowded capital, began to move out. The chart shows a steady increase in the number of people moving out of Seoul between 1992 and 1999, with more moving out than the year before. 1999 was the 8th consecutive year that Seoul’s population decreased. In that year Seoul’s population dropped by almost half a million people.

Where is everyone going? Most of them are moving to the suburbs where the air is cleaner, there is less traffic, and where housing is more affordable. Many people who live in Seoul complain about the decline in the quality of life there. Air quality is worse than ever, apartment prices are unreal, and the steady increase in the number of cars on the roads now has traffic at a crawl much of the time.

Reasons given for the move included:
l “Seoul is too expensive.”
The costs of everything from apartment rental fees to the price of a cup of coffee are higher in Seoul than in the suburbs. An old 25-pyoeng apartment in Seoul can cost more to buy or rent than a brand new 43-pyeong apartment in the suburbs. Seoul has been designated

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