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America Needed a Cork Which Would Protect Capitalism During the Cold-War Period

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


2009년 고려대학교 국제학부 전공 과목인 [동아시아 입문] 기말 리포트입니다. 냉전 체제에서 미국이 왜 한국(남한)을 지키려는 하였는지 기술하였습니다.




After the World War II, the Great Britain declined and the US became the most powerful leading country in the world. For American people, it was quite glorious and burdensome as well since it meant America was the only country that could rival the expanding socialist power, the Soviet Union, which was vigorously being after the northeast Asia parts comprising Manchuria, China, Korea and Japan. Given these conditions the US had to come forward as the leader of capitalism and should control and watch over the “Far East” area in order to consolidate and fortify the capitalist sway. In this sense, I agree with the questioned quotation. The American polices on China, Japan, and Korea during the Cold-War period can be divided to three time terms; from postwar period to Korean war(1950), from Korean war to Nixon’s presidency(1974) and after Reagan years(1981).
In the first period, the times of Pax Americana, the US formed the “Great Crescent” or the “Grand Area” .

참고 자료

● Bruce Cumings, "Japan`s Position in the World System," in Andrew Gordon, ed., Postwar Japan as History (Berkeley, University of California Press, 1994)
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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America Needed a Cork Which Would Protect Capitalism During the Cold-War Period
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