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[영문리폿]브랜드 가치의 원천, 브랜드가치의 손상 원인에 관한 분석

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10페이지/ MS 워드
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Is Brands’ Symbolic Value Its Achilles’heel?


[1] Introduction: Are brands valued for their symbolic value, rather than simply for their use value?

[2] Are brands more vulnerable to symbolic critique?

[3] How effective has the ethical critique been?
1. Anti Corporate Movements on the Streets
2. Anti Corporate Movements on the Media
3. Critical Theories in Academic Sphere
4. The Effect on Market

[4] Conclusion


Are brands valued for their symbolic value, rather than simply for their use value?

The consumer society of today is full of products which are in competition with each other over the consumers’ limited choices. Each product has its characteristics of different design, function, price, etc., which altogether conform product identity. Those identities are distinguishes by brand names, which function as the manifestation of each identities. In the long term, positive brand identities that consistently appealed customers altogether comprise brand equity, which shows the strength of a brand by adding tangible value to a company through the resulting sales and profits. (Jobber: 331) Therefore, managing brand’s identity is extremely important and has become focus of brand managers.
Historically, along with the change in the market, the meanings brands pursue have also changed. Adopting Maslow’s hierarchy of need, today’s brands - that once had complied loyally with the basic physiological needs of customers in a basis of utility value - now imply rather high-level values which comply with high-level human needs such as esteem or, as some scholars point out, self-actualisation. Belk (1988) has actually pointed out that ‘a considerable literature suggests that the consumer is what she/he has, since her/his possessions are viewed as major parts of her/his extended self.’ Indeed, the possession of ‘things’ symbolise a large spectrum of one’s life, from one’s outer life such as social status to the inner identity.
The importance of the symbolic factor of brands

참고 자료

Belk, R.W. (1998) ‘Possessions and the Extended Self’, Journal of Consumer Research 15(2): 138-169
Desmond, J. (1998) ‘Marketing and Moral indifference’, in Parker, M. (eds.) Ethics & Organizations, London: SAGE.
Elliott, R. and Wattanasuwan, K. (1998) ‘Brands as Symbolic Resources for the Construction of Identity,’ International Journal of Advertising 17(2): 131-145.
Higgins, M. and Tadajewski, M. (2002) ‘Anti-corporate protest as consumer spectacle,’ Management Decision, 40(4): 363 – 371.
Jobber, D. (2004) Principles and Practice of Marketing (5th edition), McGraw-Hill.
Klein, N. (2001) No Logo, London: Flamingo.
Rumbo, J. D. (2002) ‘Consumer Resistance in a World of Advertising Clutter: The Case of Adbusters,’ Psychology &Marketing, 19(2):127–148.
Smith, N. C. (2002) ‘Marketing Ethics’, in Baker, M. J. Marketing Theory, London: Thomson Learning.
Smith, W. (2001) ‘Conspiracy, corporate culture and criticism’, in Parish, J. and Parker, M. (eds.) The Age of Anxiety: Conspiracy Theory and the Human Sciences, Oxford: Blackwell.
Shaw, E. and Jones, B. (2005) ‘A history of schools of marketing thought’, Marketing Theory, 5 (3): 239-281.

This Magazine, Heath, J. and Potter, A. ‘The Rebel Sell: If we all hate consumerism, how come we can’t stop shopping?’, http://www.thismagazine.ca/issues/2002/11/rebelsell.php (Accessed 18 Mar 2007)
Wikipedia, ‘Brand’, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brand (accessed 18 Mar 2006)
‘Anti-consumerism’, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-consumerism (accessed 10 June)
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