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렉서스 성공 전략(영문판)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
27페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


렉서스 성공 전략(영문판)레포트 입니다.(MS워드 4,600자)
좋은 점수 받았습니다.(Reference 표기)



1. Toyota Motors Profile

2. Lexus Profile
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Milestone
2.3 Lexus Brand Phrase
2.4 Lexus Vehicles Analysis

3. U.S Automobile Market and Analysis of Competitors
3.1 Toyota’s business environment in the U.S
3.2 U.S market environment
3.3 Competition environment analysis
3.4 Environment analysis for new car entering
3.5 Customer environment analysis

4. Lexus’ STP Analysis in the U.S Market

4.1 Market Segmentation

4.2 Market Targeting

4.2.1 Customer Market Targeting
4.2.2 Product Market Targeting
4.2.3 Product Positioning

5. SWOT Analysis in the U.S Market
5.1 Strength
5.2 Weakness
5.3 Opportunity
5.4 Threat

6. Success factors of Lexus
6.1 Technology Developing Knowhow and Price Competition
6.2 Thorough Market Analysis and Excellent Targeting
6.3 Marketing Ability (Away from Low Price Brand Image and Bold Selection and Focus)

7. Future strategy plan
7.1 Necessity of Brand Re-establishment
7.2 Partial Inconvenience of Marketing Strategy
7.3 Lack of Individuality
7.4 Recent Movement (Promotion as Global Brand) 7.5 Necessity for Entering BRICs





To confirm its position as luxury automobile, Toyota developed the new brand name Lexus and established new franchise for sales network different from previous Toyota dealers.

As a result of focusing on Lexus development, Toyota exceeded the Big 3 in the automobile industry and accomplished No.1 customer satisfaction.

Success of Lexus could be possible due to their unique differentiation strategy.

Such as differentiation of brand strategy, manufacturing process, customer -

service, technology, product differentiation, etc.

This research gives an analysis on how they effectively use their differentiation

strategy as a tool to achieve the status they enjoy now.

The research mainly looks into the differentiation strategy by Lexus.


To confirm its position as luxury automobile, Toyota developed the new brand name Lexus and established new franchise for sales network different from previous Toyota dealers.

참고 자료

 Masaaki Sato, The Toyota leaders an executive guide 1st Ed (2008), pp. 19 – 50,
pp. 93 – 144
 Satoshi Hino, Inside the mind of Toyota : Management principles for enduring growth 1st Ed (2005), pp. 36 – 158
 Jeffery Liker, Michael House, and Center for quality people & organization, Toyota culture : The heart and soul of the Toyota way 1st Ed (2008), pp. 39 – 78
 Rick Barrera, Overpromise and overdeliver : How to design and deliver extraordinary customer experiences, revised 1st Ed (2009), pp. 169 – 206
 Ananth V. Iyer, Sridhar Seshadri, and Roy Vasher, Toyota supply chain management, a strategic approach to the principles of Toyota’s renowned system 1st Ed (2009),
pp. 25 – 174
 Robin John, Grazia Letto – Gillies, Howard Cox, and Nigel Grimwade, Global business strategy 1st Ed (1997), pp. 213 – 272
 Michael H. Morris, Leyland F. Pitt, Earl D. Honeycutt, Business to business marketing 3rd Ed (2001), pp. 97
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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