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dentsu (study on the advertising agency)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
28페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


일본 거대 광고 회사 dentsu 분석 영문 자료 입니다.
좋은 점수 받은 자료이고 발표를 위한 파워 포인트 자료도 있습니다.


1.0. Agency Name
2.0. Agency History
2.1. Early History
2.2. The 1980s
2.3. The 1980s
2.4. The 2000s
3.0. Agency Background
4.0. Agency Business Philosophy
5.0. Agency Structure
6.0. Agency Services
6.1. Integrated Branding Services
6.2. Cross Media Planning Service
6.3. Integrated Media Services
6.4. Creative Sphere
6.5. Content Business
6.6. Sales Promotion
6.7. Event Marketing
6.8. E-solution Services
6.9. Cooperate Communications
7.0. Agency List of Clients
8.0. Billings
9.0. Opinion / Conclusion
10.0. References
11.0. Activities of Dentsu


1.0. Agency Name

In early days of Dentsu corporate history, their company`s name had been “Nihon Denpo Tshushin Sha”, which was Japan Telegraphic Communication Co., Ltd. in Eng. It engaged in communication and advertising operations.
“Denpo” means telegraph and "Tsushin" means correspondence and communication.
In 1955, the name became into Dentsu, an abbreviation of the old name.

2.0. Agency History
2.1. Early History
 Dentsu was founded in 1901 by Hoshiro Mitsunaga, a journalist from Osaka. Mitsunaga actually founded two closely related companies: his Telegraphic Service Company was an international news wire service, and his Japan Advertising Ltd. brokered advertising space.
 The two companies merged in 1907, Dentsu secured monopoly rights to distribute the United Press wire service in Japan, giving the company unique leverage over the newspapers it serviced.
 Dentsu was able to use its influence to get favorable rates for advertising space, and as early as 1908, the company was the acknowledged leader in Japan`s communications industry.

참고 자료

Dentsu Annual Report for the year ended March 31, 2009, Retrieved May 24, 2010, from http://www.dentsu.com/ir/marketing/pdf/AR2009_E.pdf

Wiedemann, J. (2010). “D&AD”, Taschen: London.

Dentsu (n.d.). “Overview of Dentsu Service”. Retrieved May 28, 2010, from
Takashima,T. (2009). “2009: Moving Forward Under A New Corporate Slogan: Good Innovation”. Retrieved May 20, 2010, from

“Dentsu Group Corporate Philosophy”. Retrieved May 22, 2010, from

“Message from the Management”. Retrieved May 23, 2010, from http://www.dentsu.com/vision/message.html

“Overview of the Dentsu Group”. Retrieved May 23, 2010, from

Karia, H. (2008), “Dentsu, Connecturf in Digital Ad Venture – Clickstreamers. How Does it Fit in Strategically for Connecturf?” Retrieved May 22, 2010, from http://www.watblog.com/2008/05/31/dentsu-connecturf-in-digital-ad-venture-–-clickstreamers-how-does-it-fit-in-strategically-for-connecturf/
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