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iriver 마케팅전략 stp 4p 전략안

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


iriver 마케팅전략 stp 4p 전략안


1. Introduction
1.1 Company and product Introduction.
1.2 why we study this paper?
1.3 What we will study

2. Theory
2.1 Marketing
2.2 4P`s
2.3 STP
2.4 Hongkong`s External Analysis
2.5 Expansion Strategies
3. The company profile-history-discussion findings
3. 1 Marketing
3. 2 4P`s
3. 3 STP of Iriver
3.4 External analysis
3.5 Expansion strategy

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 References


1.1 Company and product Introduction.

Iriver (formerly iRiver, full name iriver Limited), a brand and division of ReignCom, is a electronics brand founded in 1999, and main office in Seoul, Korea. It is known for manufacturer of digital audio players or "MP3 players", and other portable products. They typically include USB mass storage, or the Media Transfer Protocol, multiple codecs, FM tuners, recording capabilities, and upgradeable firm. Viewing of text files is also supported and video files (last two only with firmware upgrades) and are capable of displaying JPEG and BMP image files. (Harrell, 2008)

1) History of Company
In 1999, Duk-Jun Yang and Rae-Hwan Lee formed ReignCom which is for mp3 player market. They decided to outsource manufacturing. From iMP-100, first product of iriver, they produced lots of mp3s and sold them in Korea. Also they rose to the number 1 position in the global market as well as in Korea. They also develop flash memory player and hard drive players to compete with the iPod which is very famous and popular in the world. Iriver started to build mp3 player market in the U.S., Vancouver, Brazil, Germany, Hong Kong and Japan in 2005. They also planned to adjust its focus toward handhel mobile gaming and music player business in 2006. They plan new ways to show customers great products and services every year, so they are growing to global market. (Iriver)

참고 자료

Aihara, H.(2002) Marketing strategic note (P.54,55,57,60,61)
American Marketing Association (1985), Marketing News, vol. 19, no. 4, March 1985, p.1
Croft M. (1994). Market Segmentation: A Step-by-step Guide to Profitable New Business. Routledge
E emeraldinsight(2008), Expansion strategy Analysis, retrieved on Dec 3th, 2008 from
ezinearticles(2008), Wholly owned subsidiaries Analysis, retrieved on Dec 2th, 2008 from http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Enter-Foreign-Markets&id=1314459
Haworth, M. (2008, November 22). Personal MP3 Player - History in the Making. Retrieved December 10, 2008, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Personal-MP3-Player---History-in-the-Making&id=1718383
Harrell, C. (2006, August 8). IRiver . Retrieved December 10, 2008, from http://ezinearticles.com/?-IRiver-&id=263984
Hong Kong Government, http://www.tid.gov.hk/english/cepa/index.html
Iriver from http://www.iriver.com
Jones,J.C.(2007, September 7). Definition of Marketing Mix - Product, Price, Place &Promotion. Retrieved December 10, 2008, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Definition-of-Marketing-Mix---Product,-Price,-Place-and-Promotion&id=721799
Johansson J.K(2006) Global Marketing; Foreign Entry, Local Marketing, & Global Management(4th edition), McGraw-Hill
Korea Marketing Association, Marketing research, vol. 17, no. 2, 2002, p. 5 - 6)
Kotra from http://kotra.www.globalwindow.org/wps/portal/webservicelink1? workdist=read&id=2035170&uniqueUrl= gmi.ALL
Reuters (2006), from http://cafe.naver.com/rhew938.cafe?iframe_url=/ArticleRead.nhn%3Farticleid=7007
Wall Street Journal,(2008 Enterprise environment of Hong Kong http://online.wsj.com/public/us/enterprise.html.
Wikipedia, Market segments, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_segment
Wikipidia(2008), Hong Kong Analysis, Retrieved on Dec 2th, 2008 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_kong
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