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A Case Study of Sourcing Strategy in Global Company: Four Case Studies(아웃소싱)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


A Case Study of Sourcing Strategy in Global Company: Four Case Studies


Types of sourcing: Outsourcing
Types of sourcing: Reverse Outsourcing
Types of sourcing: E-Sourcing
Case Study 1: Outsourcing - NASA
Case Study 2: Outsourcing - NIKE
Case Study 3: Reverse Outsourcing From Bharti Tele to IBM
Case Study 4: E-sourcing - IBM



Over the next several years, all of the enterprise will continue to face growing pressure to provide and improved services while containing or reducing costs. In this report, we can find out 3 types of sourcing that consist of Outsourcing, Reverse Outsourcing and E-sourcing. These strategies are very useful when enterprises are faced on serious problem. They are solved problem to use various strategies and to improve company performance.

The first case study is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration`s initiative to outsource its computer desktop maintenance to the private sector. The second one is famous shoes company NIKE. The third case is example of the reverse outsourcing from Bharti to IBM. The final case study, which describes a form of e-sourcing that the process of using web-based technologies to support the identification.

The first case is NASA: NASA met its overall objectives and benefited from other positive results of the ODIN program (see Table 3 pn page 23). In addition to increasing employee focus on core tasks and increasing security, perhaps most importantly, NASA saw improvements in service delivery and service consistency. The ODIN model has allowed NASA managers to have visibility of the true IT support cost, and in doing so, ODIN has lowered NASA’s per seat costs. The competitive contract enabled NASA to sustain these savings over time. Contrary to initial fears, NASA employees did not experience any involuntary displacement. Finally, NASA managers used the ODIN program to expand their control through increases in cost management and interoperability.

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판매자 유형Platinum개인인증


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