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Gaming Addiction

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최종 저작일
20페이지/ MS 워드
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게임 중독의 실태와 원인, 해결책에 관한 학기말 리포트입니다.
미국인 조원들과 3주동안 작성했습니다.
마지막에는 7개의 참고자료를 APA references format으로 정리하고
자료 선택 이유를 간략히 작성하였습니다.




The invention of the internet allowed video game companies to release games which have the capability to allow the user to compete against other p_badtagss from anywhere in the world. Along with this came the birth of various online reward systems which give the user upgrades along with ego boosting statistics. These systems pull at the natural competitive nature of man, and thus, can be highly addictive. Users are easily pulled deep into the virtual world on their quest to be the best.
Gaming addiction, like drug addictions, can easily become severe and begin to interfere with an individual’s everyday life. However, unlike illegal substances, gaming has no judicial restrictions and is far less expensive. As a result of this, the issue of gaming addiction is far more widespread than that of illegal drugs. The widespread addiction to video and computer games seizes valuable time and leads to a less productive society. The consequences of this may become so severe that it affects our overall productivity as a nation and inhibits our ability to compete in a global market.
In order to combat the issue of gamming addiction we have come up with what we have established to be the most logical solution. There are currently no restrictions on the amount of time users can spend playing video games. In order to give users the option to limit the time they spend playing video games, we would like to introduce a computer program which would run within the game limiting the amount of time a user would be able to spend gaming. This would allow users to continue to enjoy the games they love as well as limit the onset and impact of gaming addiction. This solution would call for a government mandate requiring all game production companies to include this software within their games. This software would prompt the user to enable the software upon installation but would not force them to do so.

참고 자료

Chin-Sheng, W., & Wen-Bin, C. (2006). Why Are Adolescents Addicted to Online Gaming? An Interview Study in Taiwan. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 9(6), 762-766. doi:10.1089/cpb.2006.9.762.
Hart, G., Johnson, B., Stamm, B., Angers, N., Robinson, A., Lally, T., et al. (2009). Effects of Video Games on Adolescents and Adults. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 12(1), 63-65. doi:10.1089/cpb.2008.0117.
GLENN, L., & VAN WERT, S. (2010). Failure to Launch. New England Journal of Higher Education, 24(3), 14-16. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.


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