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The Cinema of KEN LOACH

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10페이지/ MS 워드
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The cinema of Ken Loach


Ken Loach`s film:
Loach in the 1960’s (Cathy Come Home 1966/ Poor Cow 1967/ Kes 1969)
Loach in the 1970’s
Loach in the 1980’s


The cinema of Ken Loach examines the connection between arts and politics that distinguishes the work of this leading British film director. Descendants of the realist flowering at the BBC in the 1960s, Ken Loach and Mike Leigh assessed the impact of the consumer society about family life, charting the erosion of the welfare state and the consensus that built in it. Looking back, Loach`s work seems to reflect the shift from the collectivist mood during the times of war to the individualism of the postwar decades in its very own form. Loach`s films went from the improvised long-take naturalism of Poor Cow and Kes (both 1969) to the `social melodrama` of Raining Stones (1993) and Ladybird Ladybird (1994), wider social issues now explored via emotional and dramatic individual stories.

Loach in the 1960’s (Cathy Come Home 1966/ Poor Cow 1967/ Kes 1969)
Developments of Loach’s work between 1965 and 1972, has been gradually sharpening the conflict, and the emergence of both new and old political forms from the social and cultural changes of the early and mid-1960’s.

참고 자료

1. Paul Kerr, ‘The Complete Ken Loach’: Stills Magazine,May/June 1986)
2. Tony Garnett, “Television in Britain: Discription and Dissent”, Theatre Quarterly 2:6(april-june 1972): 19-20
3.Graham Fuller, Loach on Loach, 1998, 3.struggle : 34
4. Anon 1978:1. In McAsh 1980, Loach explains that eventually the NFFC gave four-fifth of the 500,000 pounds budget
5.Jacob Leigh, The cinema of ken loach art in the service of the people, 2002, 116
6.Brown.R, 1983, Continuing…the stae of things, monthyly film bulletin, 50, 588
7.Quoted in John Tulloch, television drama; agency, audience and myth (london: new york: Routledge, 1990) : 160
8. Kerr,P. 1986, The complete Ken Loach, Stills, 27 , May-June, 144-8
9. Jacob Leigh, The cinema of ken loach art in the service of the people, 2002, 120
10. Geroge McKnight, Agent of challenge and Defiance, the films of Ken Loach,1997, 22
11. Geroge McKnight, Agent of challenge and Defiance, the films of Ken Loach,1997, 26
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